Background and Studies
(I promise you: this wedding photographer is well educated!)
Wedding photographer education
My wedding photographer education starts like this:
I was born in Manchester, U.K.
I had frizzy hair and started smiling pretty quickly.
Pretty people gave me lots of presents.
This made me smile even more.
Apparently, I was also often photographed.
(I am not sure this made a difference to my upcoming career, ‘though.).
I was fascinated by commercial planes, I loved their looks, their colours and their graphics.
(I even enjoyed the odours related to airplanes).
I flew a lot and I wanted to photograph as many aircraft as possible.
My father bought me a camera.
(I think that did make a difference to my upcoming career.).
I opted photography as a hobby, so that I could photograph and produce large prints of aircrafts.
A hobby was compulsory at Millfield School, Somerset (U.K.)
Towards the end of my schooling, I was advised to choose Photography as further studies.
Instead of studies in Aeronautical Engineering.
I started studying Further Maths to be able to go into Aeronautical Engineering studies.
I realised I preferred Photography.
I follow courses in drawing, painting, photography, video and silk screening. No less ;-)
And so I got my Art Foundation Course Diploma at Ealing, London.
I looked for a University where I could study Photography. Preferably in England.
Derby University (U.K.) seemed very appropriate, as their credo was to push forward the students’ creativity.
So I obtained a Diploma in Creative Photography at Derby University and published my thesis:
Surrealism and Contemporary Advertising Photography.
I went to live in Paris, France.
And started practising fine-art photography.
I still do.